The Book

This is a story about discovering one’s true self. It is a story about healing through self-care.

More than anything, this is a story about how the artist and author Renn Byrd has been able to overcome profound trauma and grief using a self-help practice she calls Soul Poetry.

Through Soul Poetry, Renn has experienced deep emotional healing, and has discovered new levels of inner peace, self-confidence, and personal power that allow her to enjoy a new life of truth and authenticity. She has been able to release herself from living a life bound to and dictated by the expectations of others. 

Renn has written this book for one reason—to share her life-enriching practice of Soul Poetry with you so that you too may discover and claim your own truth, find the strength within yourself to step into and claim your own power, and begin your journey to living the life of truth and authenticity that you so richly deserve.

Artist, Poet, Healer

Renn Byrd

Renn has written this book for one reason—to share her life-enriching practice of Soul Poetry with you so that you too may discover and claim your own truth, find the strength within yourself to step into and claim your own power, and begin your journey to living the life of truth and authenticity that you so richly deserve. 


 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Soul Poetry was written for those who seek healing through self-care. It was written for people who, like Renn Byrd, are endeavoring to overcome trauma and grief through deep emotional healing. Renn has written this book to help you to release yourself from living a life bound to and dictated by the experiences of your past and the expectations of others. 

    Renn has written this book with the intention of providing you with hope. Her intention is to inspire and encourage you on your way to achieving new levels of inner peace, self-confidence, and personal power that will free you to enjoy a new life of truth and authenticity. 

  • After surviving a devasting family tragedy some years ago, Renn wrote this book to share the life-enriching practice of Soul Poetry that came to her during a period of profound grief and has helped her to heal. Renn’s hope is that Soul Poetry will help you to make some sense of life's most challenging lessons. Renn's intention is to help you to discover and claim your own truth, find the strength within yourself to step into and claim your own power, and begin your journey to living the life of peace, truth, and authenticity that you so richly deserve.  

    This book serves as an inspiring introduction to Soul Poetry— a practice that anyone can learn to make time and hold space for deep listening and reconnecting with the Divine Wisdom within. For each of us, whether trying to navigate through trauma, grief, or any of life’s challenges—ultimately, the goal is to find clarity and peace. It is important that we learn how to unpack our past experiences and find the understanding and acceptance that will enable us to take the next step forward in our lives. This book, as well as her Oracle Deck and the individualized one-on-one sessions that Renn is currently offering, are designed to help you to achieve all of this and more!

  • The Oracle Deck is a beautiful tool that you can use daily to hold space for yourself as you strengthen your connection with your most important teacher and guide—your own intuition. When we take time to practice deep listening to connect with our Divine Teacher, we create the opportunity for profound self-care that ultimately enables us to stand in our own truth, authenticity, and power. 

  • Yes! For a limited time, Renn is able to offer personal, live, one-on-one sessions via video conference just for you. During these sessions, you will have direct access to Renn and her profound gift. Renn will guide you as you begin your own daily Soul Poetry practice; she will hold space for your own self-reflection and will deliver intuitive messages just for you that offer healing, confirmation, inspiration, and encouragement for your own life.

Your healing journey is the path home to yourself.

Your healing journey is the path home to yourself. ꩜